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City of Gonzales Orders Snap-Tite pipe for Culvert Rehab in Pecan Grove Subdivision

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Jackie Baumann, City Engineer at the City of Gonzales, faced a common problem: failing culverts under roadways in one of her town’s subdivisions. It is a situation that often goes unnoticed until catastrophic failure requires expenditure of emergency repair funds.

In addition to the expense, these sorts of problems also inconvenience drivers because repair jobs take roads out of service for weeks at a time while the rehabilitation is completed.

Baumann was looking for a solution to her problem that wouldn’t require digging up the concrete roads, and that also wouldn’t take the streets out of service for lengthy periods of time.

Scott Brignac, specialty sales at QSM, suggested they try Snap-Tite pipe.

Snap-Tite is an innovative high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe liner. It has a patented male-female machining at each end, which allows it to be “snapped” together, piece-by-piece and threaded into the full length of an existing pipe. The system also incorporates a flowable grout that fills the annular space between the Snap-Tite and the host pipe, as well as completely filling the voids created on the outside of the existing host pipe, creating a truly rehabilitated finished product that is as good or better than the original installation.

Baumann hadn’t worked with the product before, but she was intrigued.

Brignac was able to show her an example of the product in use nearby in Ascension Parish.

QSM provided Snap-Tite to repair a failing culvert on a parish roadway.

On that job, two failing culverts connecting a drainage ditch, would’ve taken the road from service for more than several weeks. But, QSM provided a Snap-Tite solution, and the job was repaired in under a week, all without any loss of service on the roadway.

That was enough for Baumann to give it a try. She’s pleased she did.

“We had three failing culverts in Pecan Grove. It’s expensive to rip up concrete streets, and it’s a real problem to redirect traffic,” says Baumann. “I think the Snap-Tite solution is extremely effective. It’s quick, the cost is feasible, and there is no disruption to traffic.”

She said the cost of doing the repair without Snap-Tite would have been five times more expensive than the Snap-Tite solution. “Cost savings AND we don’t have to take the streets out of service? That’s what I call a win-win,” says Baumann.

When asked about her experience with QSM, Baumann was equally effusive. “They’re great. Scott was very helpful. Their coordination of the work was incredible. The product is excellent, and I’m pleased to have chosen them to provide our city with these needed infrastructure repairs.”

Snap-Tite is available in diameters from 10-inches to 63-inches. It is cost effective, long-lasting, improves flow rates, and doesn’t require traffic control.

Call Scott Brignac for more information on Snap-Tite pipe. 855-469-2015

Or, visit to see videos of installation and more field reports.