QSM News

Industry News & Case Studies

cypress bayou detention system - photo by qsm
Durr Relies on QSM at Cypress Bayou

Durr Heavy Construction called on QSM to provide drainage pipe at the Cypress Bayou Intermediate Dentention Pond in St. Tammany Parish, near Lacombe. The 20-acre pond creates an area of 800-acre feet of storm water storage (the equivalent of 365 football fields holding water 2-feet deep). Pipe was installed recently in long runs underground coming…

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precast arch concrete pipe photo - qsm
Richard Price Contracting buys Concrete Culverts from QSM for project in Baton Rouge

Richard Price Contracting recently was awarded a Louisiana Department of Transportation Development (LaDOTD) contract to replace an existing 96″ equivalent metal culvert with new 96″ equivalent reinforced concrete culvert on a job site in West Baton Rouge Parish. The job, LA 985 Roadway Regrade SPN H.009235, included design, delivery and installation of a 96-inch EQ…

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valhi roadway louisiana drainage - photo by qsm
Talbot Calls on QSM for Concrete Drainage Pipe in Terrebonne Parish

Byron E. Talbot Contractors relied on QSM to provide concrete drainage pipe and construction materials at the Valhi Extension Roadway Project in Terrebonne Parish, La. The location of this job, at Equity Rd. and Valhi Blvd. Extension, is part of the overall Valhi Boulevard Extension project — a divided four-lane road of approximately 13,200 linear…

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