Contech Aluminum Box Culverts Installed on St. Charles Canal Project
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When St. Charles Parish needed to replace failing bridge structures at the Ellington Canal Josh Loeske, of QSM, knew just the right product for this job, and he made a good suggestion to the parish government.
“I told them I thought aluminum box culverts would be a good fit for these bridge structures,” says Loeske. “We carry a line of aluminum box culverts manufactured by Contech. It’s a very cost-effective solution for bridge replacement, and I knew this would be a good solution because they are highly durable, with long life spans, and low maintenance costs.”
Contech aluminum box culverts are a good option for many water crossings in south Louisiana because these structures meet industry specifications standards used in highway bridges, they’re easy to install, and because they’re pre-built and assembled on-site — these light weight structures are an ideal fit for roads, crossings, and neighborhoods with little room for big, heavy equipment.
Fleming Construction Company of Kenner installed the culverts, and Professional Engineering & Environmental Consultants, Inc., of Westwego, served as design engineer on the project.
Support was provided on-site by QSM, in collaboration with Contech Engineered Solutions.
Says Loeske, “Jonathan Wilhite from QSM’s Kenner office was on-site throughout much of the project. He worked closely with John Bolduc and Clark York from Contech.”
In total, five crossings are being replaced at the Ellington Canal. Four of them are already installed.
Parishes, municipal governments, and private home owners who have water crossings on their properties will benefit from lessons learned on the Ellington Canal project. Contech aluminum box culverts provide a cost effective, durable and innovative solution for many needs.
Whether it’s bridge replacement for failing timber or concrete structures, a new bridge on farm or ranch land, or as utility access crossing small streams, creeks or canals — Contech aluminum box culverts provide wide-span and low-rise shapes that are lightweight as well as fast and easy to install.
Contech aluminum box culverts are used to replace failing infrastructure like that seen here. Notice how the soil erosion had engulfed this pipe, and how water flow had diminished at this canal crossing. Replacing this structure with an aluminum box culvert creates a safer and more appealing road crossing, and increases hydraulic capacity.
Fully compliant with AASHTO, ASTM, and AREMA specifications — using aluminum box culverts for small bridge replacements is practical and cost effective.
The Louisiana Department of Transportation Development (LaDOTD) has said aging infrastructure is a concern across the state. Many bridges in Louisiana would benefit from a solution like the one installed at Ellington.
Says Bolduc, “this product is a proven solution. It can be installed in a short amount of time, structures are designed by Contech, and pre-assembled, they’re put together on site, and these culverts have really long life spans.”
Citing one example, Bolduc says there is a Contech aluminum box culvert in Lockport that was put in in the 1980s. He says it has only two feet of cover, and sees regular, heavy traffic from the oil field and shipping industries.
In fact, Contech says its aluminum box culverts have a 75-year service life.
Aluminum alloys form a thin, but tough surface barrier when exposed to oxygen that helps prevent abrasion and corrosion. This isn’t damaged in harsh environmental conditions — making the aluminum structures more durable than conventional building materials.
QSM works closely with Contech — especially when it comes to bridges and structures. QSM differentiates itself by routinely talking with engineers as well as with contractors to help configure solutions that are custom built for each customer.
“We like to find site specific solutions, “ says Loeske, “rather than just tell our customers we have product x, y and z. It’s all about helping customers find cost effective, and high quality solutions to their civil engineering and infrastructure needs. With our extensive product lineup, and a great working relationship with manufacturers, we’re able to provide solutions that meet needs and that work well with available resources.”
Contech makes itself available to design engineers, contractors and owners. Says Bolduc, “we pride ourselves on being able to address problems as they arise, and we see projects through to the end.”
Bolduc says he likes working with QSM because, “they serve as a reliable local resource. They’re our boots on the ground, and they provide us with valuable feedback where Contech solutions are being installed.”
Contech aluminum box culverts are an ideal solution for bridge rehab and bridge replacement wherever you want a clear span, with no debris, and low maintenance.
Typical applications include: small bridge replacement, bridge alignment, canal and stream crossings.
Spans reach up to 35 feet. There are a variety of shapes and sizes, the structures are durable and lightweight, installation is fast and easy, and Contech provides extensive technical support.
Does your parish have aging infrastructure? Do you have bridges in your area or on your private property that need to be replaced?
Call Eric Beach at QSM — 855-469-2015 — to learn more about Contech Engineered Solutions. Ask about aluminum box culverts, and see how quickly you can get your roadway back into service.