polymer coated corrugated metal drainage pipe - louisiana, qsm photo

Sealevel Construction installs Polymer Coated Pipe for municipal drainage in Thibodaux

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Sealevel Construction, experts in earthworks, site prep, civil construction, pile driving and utilities, won a bid in Lafourche Parish, to enhance drainage at Country Club Blvd., in Thibodaux.

The job called for 880-feet of polymer coated pipe, double-barrel arch.

When his firm won the job, Richard Roth, an engineer with Sealevel, knew exactly who to call …

“I’ve been working with QSM since before they even had that name,” says Roth. “Josh Loeske and I go back a good ways, and I’ve bought products from them for many years. The quality is always there, the service is tops in the industry, and if past experience is any indicator — I know I’m going to get what I want, when I want it when QSM is called to supply us with materials.”

QSM supplied nearly 1,800 linear feet of 48″ polymer coated arch pipe on this job.

The goal of the project was to improve drainage at Country Club Blvd. to Edgewood Dr. in Thibodaux.

Sealevel works across South Louisiana, and also in Mississippi and East Texas.

Specializing in all things related to site prep, pile driving and utilities installation, Sealevel brings nearly 20 years of experience to the markets it serves.

Learn more at sealevelinc.com