Byron E. Talbot Contractors relied on QSM to provide concrete drainage pipe and construction materials at the Valhi Extension Roadway Project in Terrebonne Parish, La.

The location of this job, at Equity Rd. and Valhi Blvd. Extension, is part of the overall Valhi Boulevard Extension project — a divided four-lane road of approximately 13,200 linear feet, located on Valhi Boulevard between Equity Rd. and Savanne Rd.

The 2.7 mile, two-lane PCCP roadway was constructed above a limestone and sand base. It features an open drainage ditch and subsurface cross drains with a total construction budget of $7.37 million. The project was designed to link two busy Terrebonne Parish roads together, and to ease traffic congestion in the area.

Trey Shields, of Byron E. Talbot, says, “the staff at QSM has been very helpful throughout this whole job. We have worked with them from the proposal stage through the delivery and installation stage.”