QSM at Water Collaborative + TrueGrid® Installed at Starbucks in New Orleans
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The new year is off to a great start at QSM, with many projects already underway, upcoming, and ongoing. Many thanks to contractors, engineers, architects, and municipalities who are working with us across the region.
First mention goes to the Water Collaborative of Greater New Orleans.
QSM is a proud participant in WCGNO’s events, and just recently we had the opportunity to participate in two: one, a social gathering that’s part of a monthly program, the other a lunch and learn presentation given by representatives of Advanced Drainage Systems — the latter held in at the Regional Planning Commission building in New Orleans.
The Water Collab’s social series is a new approach to its working group meetings where the collaborative has created a series of social events and volunteer opportunities. By fostering relationships across disciplines, the aim is to increase community capacity for smarter water management with green infrastructure.
With that goal in mind, the programs committee built a bi-monthly social hour series, where members can meet with key players across the water sector. Events are slated for the first Thursday of every other month starting in February.
The Lunch & Learn Series focuses on stormwater management, with events held every third Tuesday of the month at the Regional Planning Commission building. February’s presentation was given by Paden Sparks of ADS — with a specific focus on Nyoplast® drainage, FleXstorm™, and InsertaTee — all products ideally suited for use across the metro area.
QSM has partnered with ADS to bring innovative solutions to the local market. These include FleXstorm™ — catch basin inserts, and curb inlet filters; InsertaTee® — a three-piece, lateral service connection with dozens of applications already familiar to many contractors; and Nyoplast® — custom-built drain basins made of PVC, which provide durability and corrosion resistance, lower overall installed cost, and ease of installation.
FleXstorm’s™ line of products has particular value to the constant, area-wide struggle of clogged storm drains. Something which is particularly acute each year around this time of Mardi Gras.
InsertaTee® is used on projects large and small whenever an existing structure or pipe lines needs to be tapped into to because InsertaTee® can connect to the largest range of sizes in the industry, from 2-inches up to 30-inches. It provides watertight connections easily and affordably without the need for glues, epoxies, grout or awkward gaskets.
Finally, Nyoplast® took center state in ADS’s presentation. Nyloplast® drain basins, inline drains, and manholes combine performance-proven ductile iron grates with a rugged PVC structures, to represent what simply put, is the latest in stormwater drainage technology. Light duty or heavy duty — Nyoplast® structures are an innovative and often times ideal solution on projects that help contractors save time and money.
When asked what’s the main benefit of using Nyoplast® over conventional solutions, Sparks of ADS said, “aside from the rugged durability of the structure, it’s the cost savings in terms of time to completion,” and he proceeded to show a video which confirmed Nyoplast installations — on average — can save up to four hours in installation time over a traditional precast solution.
Call QSM for more information about Nyoplast®, FleXstorm™, and InsertaTee®.
Lanco Construction and JP & Sons are currently working at a new Starbucks location on Claiborne Ave. in uptown New Orleans. The new store, on the corner of Claiborne at Washington Ave., is a modern-looking design, which makes great use of space, and it features one of QSM’s premier stormwater management solutions — TrueGrid® permeable paving.
In this case, TrueGrid® is being used for parking spaces along the exterior edge of the property. The purpose is to facilitate onsite stormwater retention, which complies with city ordinances, and also provides aesthetic value that fits perfectly with the modern design.
This is just one of several TrueGrid® projects currently being installed across the city. We will provide an update on this project once it’s complete, and also will showcase the others as crews make progress with construction.
QSM represents TrueGrid® in Louisiana. Call to place an order on your next project — TrueGrid® is an ideal solution for parking lots, driveways, walkways, and alleys. Rated for heavy duty use up to fire alleys, it also is a good fit for small scale or large scale commercial projects, as well as community gardens, and homeowners back yards.
Seen here, most frequently where onsite stormwater retention is desired or required, TrueGrid® achieves this task while also providing an aesthetic look, which fits with many design plans.
The image below shows TrueGrid® with a closeup of its Superspots — available in various colors to denote parking lanes.
Call QSM to ask about TrueGrid® on your next project.