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Wes LeBlanc Joins QSM in Business Development

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When Wes LeBlanc was growing up, he had a natural curiosity about how things worked. “I always wanted to explore things from the perspective of how they were built, and see if I could take things apart and put them back together again,” says LeBlanc. 

Raised in Thibodaux, LeBlanc attended Nicholls State University for one year, then transferred to LSU. He earned a four-year degree in Mechanical Engineering, and soon after accepted his first professional position following two summers as an intern.

He joined QSM in September.

wes leblanc - QSM - business development - sitework and drainage“LSU is known for its challenging engineering program,” said LeBlanc. “And I always knew I wanted to earn a degree that would help me meld my interests in a technical field as well as in business. That is what attracted me to engineering in the first place.” 

After graduation from LSU, Wes went to work for Oceaneering where he ran sub-sea ROVs, and later became part of the design team.

He says mechanical engineering has given him great opportunities to work on a variety of projects, and better yet to meet many people. It’s the latter part that drew him into the cross-disciplinary role he now holds at QSM. 

LeBlanc joined QSM in September in business development — primarily working in our civil construction / sitework division. 

Looking for New Ways to Solve Problems

He says, “at Oceaneering, I was intrigued by the really cool offshore work they perform. And then, once I became a part of the design team, I encountered more and more people from business and industry who were coming to us with products and solutions, and I had a keen interest in the work they did because I enjoyed speakings with sales engineers who were given the task of telling those of us on the working front lines about new ways to solve old problems. I enjoyed listening to them talk about innovative solutions.”

Moving from mechanical engineering into civil sitework was not a leap of logic nor faith for LeBlanc. “I have a strong desire to interact with people in a way that promotes conversation where we can learn from each other. I was drawn to the founding principles at QSM where the entire team works together to promote sustainable ways of building better infrastructure, and I knew I wanted to be a part of something tangible – you know, that people can see and touch.” 

Not one to sit in a cubicle, we expect many of you will have an opportunity to meet Wes at your offices, at community meetings, at lunch-and-learns, and at construction + engineering industry events where he’s just as keen to talk about the new products and innovative solutions available to architects, engineers, contractors, and business owners — who he feels also are interested in building smarter projects with cost savings and sustainability in mind. 

“Working with customers in a way that helps them solve problems is what it’s all about, for me,” says LeBlanc.

“I’m coming at this from the background of an engineer, but with a fresh perspective because I believe listening is the best way to understand any given problem, and I want to help customers build more of the types of projects that make them proud to be part of the industry.”

Civil site prep and construction is something all of us — from all walks of life — can easily relate to. 

“We drive the roads and bridges, we see drainage canals, storm drains, permeable parking, culverts, and catch basins — and we depend on these key elements of infrastructure — what’s better than being an engineer that gets to work with a broad range of people across dozens of cities and communities to make improvements on that infrastructure?” – asks LeBlanc.

Answering his own question: “Nothing. Being a part of that is the best. Many people in this industry say they’re in it because they like the variety in projects. Some say they get a great sense of pride in being a part of building something that we all use on a daily basis. I like that attitude, and that’s what I bring to the team at QSM.”  

The similarity, for LeBlanc, is that in mechanical or in civil, … it’s all about solving problems. 

Says LeBlanc: “One thing that’s important to me is to avoid gimmicks, and focus on sustainable solutions that everyone can benefit from.”

“Green infrastructure is something that’s always been high on my list. From watching Planet Earth in high school, and being in this unique place we live in, I’m environmentally conscious and know we have finite resources.”

When asked what he sees when he looks five,10, or 20 years ahead?

LeBlanc says: “the biggest thing is perspective.” 

“I think we should have a wide view. If we look at the big picture, we clearly see we have an opportunity to focus on the footprint we leave behind, and that is how we build better infrastructure.”

When asked: What do you want QSM’s customers to know or understand most about you?

LeBlanc said: “I try to avoid boxing myself in, I seek knowledge, and I always want to learn – that’s a big key for me. New ideas, new technology, doing things in new ways or applying new thinking to old parameters gives us an opportunity to build better projects — I’m excited to be a part of it.”

Call Wes at 855-469-2015 to ask about the latest solutions available for civil construction.